This is the first installment of photos and narrative from our trip to Costa Rica.…
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This is the first installment of photos and narrative from our trip to Costa Rica.…
Mary Ann’s sister, Teresa, was here for the weekend. On Saturday, January 28, we went for a hike at Usery Mountain Regional Park (UMRP), and then stopped by the Granite Reef Recreation Area on the way back home. Teresa’s daughter, …
Dave and I went to Seven Springs Recreation Area (SSRA).…
Mary Ann and I went to southern Arizona in search of the Rufous-capped Warbler (RCWB).…
Mary Ann and I went to Wichita for a family gathering.…
This post has some pictures from the Sweetwater Wetlands in Tucson.…
I made an attempt at photographing the supermoon.…
Fr Charlie, Dave, and I went out to the Salt River on Thursday, October 27.…
Father Charlie and I went north to see and photograph fall colors. This post has the results.…
My Mom passed away on September 22 (1:45 am). This post has mostly family pictures.…
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