Mary Ann and I went to the Boyce Thompson Arboretum (BTA) on Feb 14. It was raining that day, so we initially cancelled our plans. But, it cleared up in the afternoon, so we decided to drive out and take our chances. It turned out to be a beautiful afternoon. We noticed a lot of couples there on that day. I wonder why?
I dropped off 10 ‘Birds of Boyce Thompson Arboretum’ posters. They’re from a new vendor: vistaprint instead of GotPrint. They’re cheaper because vistaprint gives a bulk discount and cheaper shipping. They’re a little smaller: 11×17 instead of 12×18. The paper is about twice as thick, kind of like the thickness of a business card. Overall, I think I like them better.
We arrived at about 2 and stayed until closing at 5. I didn’t get any great pictures, just some common birds. I like seeing the Broad-billed and Costa’s Hummingbirds, since we don’t see them in town.
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Always a TREAT!
Thanks so much for sharing your gifts.