The Pinal Mountains on our 25th Anniversary, June 5, 2024

Mary Ann and I went to the Pinal Mountains on our 25th Anniversary. The highlight of the trip was spending time with the love of my life in the beautiful mountains!

From a photography point of view, the highlight was the Grace’s Warbler. They are found in the Southwest U.S. pine forests. They are beautiful birds, and difficult to photograph because they stay hidden in the tree tops, and behind the branches, and they move around a lot. The Yellow-eyed Junco and Plumbeous Vireo are also unique to the Southwest.

There are some cabins just down the road from the Upper Pinal Campground, and we like to stop at one that puts out hummingbird feeders. The Broad-tailed Hummingbird is found at high elevations. The male is easy to ID because when it flies, its tail feathers make a metallic trill sound.

We were having a warm spell in Phoenix, and it was a beautiful cool day in the mountains. What better way to spend our 25th anniversary than with “el amor de mi vida”!

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