Baptism of Zion Samuel on May 5, 2024

Zion Samuel Lester was baptized on May 5, 2024, at St. Timothy Catholic Church. Deacon Chris Bassett presided. Zion’s godparents are his aunt, Ella Clark, and family friend, Brendan Phelan. Brendan was out of town, so his Dad, Mike, stood in for him. This post has some cell phone photographs of the event. It was a beautiful ceremony to bring little Zion into the Catholic Church!

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  1. Terry Kenny
    Posted June 2, 2024 at 3:04 pm | Permalink

    So nice to see pics and I love the way Joe labels every one so we know who’s who! The little Lester boys are so darling! Jude is getting big and now he’s a big brother!❤️

  2. Ricci Susick
    Posted June 2, 2024 at 4:38 pm | Permalink

    Very nice event. Congrats to all.

  3. Amy L Waddill
    Posted June 3, 2024 at 2:20 pm | Permalink

    Those are beautiful photos of the baptismal. during his baptism Maria’s face is filled with so much Joy.

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