ASU Research Park, April 19 and 26, 2024

Mary Ann and I like to walk for exercise at Arizona State University Research Park. It’s close to our house (about 1.5 miles), and there are three small lakes to walk around (it’s a 2.3 mi walk, and takes 34 minutes). We saw Lark Sparrows there, and I don’t have any good pictures of a Lark Sparrow, so we decided to go to the park for a photography trip.

We went on April 19 and didn’t see any Lark Sparrows, and tried again a week later, and still no luck. Unfortunately, we went too late in the year, and they have migrated south for the summer. I got pictures of some of the common birds on the lakes. It was springtime, so there were a lot of goslings and ducklings, which were pretty cute.

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  1. Jill
    Posted May 29, 2024 at 7:27 am | Permalink

    Nice shots. Interesting how the green heron is so different than the great blue. Cow bird? What the heck?

    • Joe
      Posted May 30, 2024 at 3:32 pm | Permalink

      Thanks. One big difference is the size. The Green Heron is about 17″ and the Great Blue is about 50″. The Brown-headed Cowbird is pretty common in North America. One interesting trivia: the Brown-headed Cowbird lays its eggs in a ‘host’ nest, and leaves them to raise the chicks, sometimes at the expense of the hosts own chicks.

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