Mary Ann, Fr. Charlie, and I, went to Boyce Thompson Arboretum (BTA) on May 23, 2022. We got there at around 8:00 AM, and left at about 11:30, and then had lunch at Los Hermanos in Superior. I dropped off 19 ‘Birds of Boyce Thompson Arboretum’ posters at the gift shop for them to sell (for more details on the poster see here).
We started out in the picnic area, and then went to the Demonstration Gardens, hoping to see the Hooded Oriole and the Yellow-breasted Chat. The oriole showed up right away, though I wasn’t able to get a very good shot. We didn’t see the chat. We then hiked the Main Trail loop in the counter-clockwise direction.
As always, BTA was beautiful, and we had a great time.